Sunday, May 04, 2008

Doin' Time on LOGO

The LOGO program Be Real will feature ex-gay survivors and me in their second episode. I won't get to see it myself, but I know my dad will be featured in it along with Christine Bakke, Scott Tucker and John Holm. If you see it, let me know how it came out.
Episode 2 - New Beginnings
Peterson Toscano spent the better part of 17 years in the "ex gay" movement struggling to change his sexuality. Now, after 5 years of performing his one person show, aimed at inspiring other ex-gay survivors to come out and tell their stories, he is ready to pass the torch and move on. Stephen, a 45-year-old former Mormon, decides to attend an all men's workshop in central Utah to learn how to confront his past and heal painful family memories.

Mon 05/05 10:00 PM
Wed 05/07 7:00 PM
Sat 05/10 10:00 PM
Mon 05/12 7:30 PM
(Oh, and to see some photos of Auntie Doris and Me in St. Albans and Windsor and on the party boat last night, go here.)

UPDATE: You can now view on-line video of the LOGO program here.

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At 9:07 AM , Blogger Queers United said...

i saw the commercial for it, i hope i get to watch it soon

At 8:28 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

My cable company just added LOGO last week. I'll dial up my new Channel #163 and check it out.

At 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pictures of Auntie Doris and Peterson are so cute. Are they not lovable, I ask you, are they not?

BTW, now you're on LOGO and you're retiring you No Mo Homo story? Dear God, you're just breaking into the big times and you're abadoning your opus what-you-call-it.

I told you that you needed me as your agent to shoot to the stars, but nooooooo...

Is Marvin still ex-ex-gay, BTW?

At 7:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we are ;)

At 8:03 AM , Blogger Angelia Sparrow said...

I saw part of it.
Unfortunately, Logo doesn't caption, and I am incapable of watching uncaptioned TV without turning it to blaring.

It looked good.

At 6:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps we all get to see what a crybaby you really are. :-)

At 10:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we get this online anywhere?


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